Sunday, February 3, 2013

CRITIQUE 14 - Beginning Landscapes- help getting started

CJ, my problem is landscapes... I never really got into them.
Oils especially....any good exercises or ideas- P.S> I am not really a detail painter...sort of..also am a grad. of Ringling School of Art and design so I know quite a bit about design, comp.,
just those boring landscapes lol Help!
Do some research before painting landscapes for the first time or if you find you are painting boring or lifeless landscapes.

*Familiarize yourself with landscape paintings, compositions, colors, etc:
  1. Check out contemporary and old master paintings - decide what type of landscape scenes you are attracted to.
  2. Do you like more abstracted, impressionistic or photo real.
  3. Study what it is you like about your favorite landscape paintings and try to get that "wow" factor into your paintings.
*Familiarize yourself with your desired medium
  1. practice mixing the colors that you responded to in your favorite landscape paintings.
  2. after you can re-create your desired colors - it helps to paint a page of cloud like structures and use all of the colors that you selected.
    *See how they look side by side
    *See how they look slightly intermingled
    *See how they look, one glazed over another
*Practice with the paint until you have good clean color and understand how the colors interact with one another. Don't think landscape... yet.

*Any good painting begins with a good drawing. Poor composition can ruin a painting with perfect color notes. So understand good composition be it for an abstract or realistic landscape.
  1. Sketch out several thumbnails of possible compositions
  2. if you are painting from photos - have large clear photos
  3. Take many photos close up and far away.
PHOTOS For Reference:
  1. Do not slavishly paint from a photo.
  2. Remember that the camera "lies" - a black shadow in the photo has loads of detail in real life, that is, when you are actually standing there at the scene
  3. Make sure you understand what distortions the camera creates in your scene as to color, value, loss of detail, point of interest, and more
  4. Make some sketches while taking your photos
  5. Make note of what you found interesting and why you took the photo to begin with.
Click here -->>CHECK OUT THE DESERT SCENE CRITIQUE where a landscape photo was explored for a painting.

 Thanks for asking!

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